Word Checker

The one-stop shop for writing tools, word game helpers, educational materials, and puzzle aids.

Writing Tools

Obtain an accurate count of the number of words or characters in a piece of writing.

Word Counter

Count the number of words, characters, and sentences within a piece of text.
Use our word counter

Character Counter

Count the number of characters within a piece of text with and without spaces.
Use our character counter

Scrabble Helpers

Search the Scrabble dictionary for words, check a word's validity to be played, or find bingo words to maximise your score with our handy helpers.

Scrabble Word Checker

Check words in the Scrabble dictionary to get a definitive answer on a words validity to be played.
Use our word checker

Scrabble Word Finder

Find words starting, containing, or ending in specific letter combinations for Scrabble.
Use our word finder

Scrabble Bingo Finder

Find those tricky 7-letter bingo words from your letter tiles with our handy bingo finder.
Use our bingo finder

Scrabble Bingo Practice

Gain practice unscrambling 7-letter anagrams from our randomly generated bingo stems.
Use our bingo practice tool

Word Game Aids

Master the art of unscrambling and solving anagrams and word puzzles like a pro.

Anagram Solver

Unscramble letter combinations to find hidden words with our anagram solver.
Use our anagram solver

Anagram Checker

Check if two strings of text are anagrams of each other or not.
Use our anagram checker

Word Games

Join us in playing our unique word games, Word Triad and Word Algebra!

Word Triad

Try to create the three highest-scoring words from today's letters.
Play word triad

Word Algebra

Create words whose letters sum up to today's target word.
Play word algebra


Instantly generate random words or letters to incorporate into your writing, brainstorming, and word games.

Random Word Generator

Instantly get a new random word each time with our generator.
Use our random word generator

Random Letter Generator

Generate a random letter from A-Z or use your own characters.
Use our random letter generator