Animals Anagram Quiz With Answers

Animals anagram quiz
By Stephen Lunt 1 MAR 2025

In this quiz, I’ve scrambled the names of 15 animals to make 15 random anagrams. See how many you can unjumble back to their original words.

Below you’ll find the interactive online version of this quiz, accompanied by a printable worksheet and answer sheet for those looking for a physical copy.

In this quiz


Anagram Quiz

Input your answer for each of the anagrams below. When you’re ready, click “Check answer” to see whether you’re were right or wrong. If you’re struggling, reveal the hint for your anagram.

Want to start over? Reset this quizzes progress.

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of today’s anagram quiz on various animals. Despite whales not being featured in this quiz, I hope you’ve had a whale of a time!

If you’d like to explore more of our anagram quizzes click here for the full range. Additionally, the printable worksheet and answer sheet for this quiz can be found below.

Printable Worksheet

Would you prefer a printable version of this anagram quiz for the classroom or to complete it by hand? Print out the image below from your browser or save it locally.

Animals Anagram Quiz Worksheet

Printable Answer Sheet

Additionally, I’ve included a printout answer sheet for your convenience.

Animals Anagram Answer Sheet

Stephen Lunt is Word Checker's founder and primary content writer. He loves to share his experiences and knowledge of word games through writing and creating handy online tools for players to use.

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