Fruits Anagram Quiz With Answers

Anagrams of fruits
By Stephen Lunt 9 MAR 2024

Sadly, this quiz does not count as one of your five a day. However, it does make for good brain fuel. Challenge yourself to our fun quiz, which involves unscrambling ten anagrams of fruits.

To play along, try to solve each anagram listed below. I’d recommend writing each on a piece of paper as this may help your thinking process. Once you’re ready, scroll down below the quiz to find the answers. If you’re after the answers right now, feel free to jump past the quiz.


In this article

Fruits Anagram Quiz

Before you get started, I’ll give you two hints about the answers. Firstly, all fruits listed are non-plural names (i.e., apple instead of apples). Secondly, all answers are single words, even if the anagram contains multiple words. Best of luck!

  1. ANA BAN
  2. REAP
  3. AN OGRE
  4. PAGER
  5. MELON (the answer is not melon)
  7. LUMP
  8. A MOTTO
  9. SIR IAN

Anagram Answers

All answers are listed below and correspond to the same list number from the quiz.

  1. BANANA - a long fruit that’s yellow when ripe.
  2. PEAR - a teardrop-shaped fruit, typically with green or red skin.
  3. ORANGE - an orange-coloured fruit (as given away by the name). It is spherical and made up of segments.
  4. GRAPE - a fruit on the smaller side, typically in green, red, or black varieties. Grapes are often harvested for their juice to make wine.
  5. LEMON - as stated in the quiz, the answer was not melon, however lemon and melon make perfect anagrams of each other. Lemons are yellow fruits of the citrus family.
  6. PINEAPPLE - a tropical fruit which has a hard brown rind and spiky green crown.
  7. PLUM - a smooth and waxy purple-skinned fruit, with a sweet and tart taste.
  8. TOMATO - red (or sometimes yellow) in colour. Tomatoes are often confused with vegetables and are commonly used in sauces.
  9. RAISIN - a dried grape, with a brain-like appearance. They are often found in oatmeal, granola, and bakery goods.
  10. NECTARINE - a smooth-skinned cousin of the peach.

Fruit Anagram Quiz Worksheet

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Fruit Anagram Quiz Worksheet


Fruit Anagram Quiz Answer Sheet

Fruit Anagram Quiz Worksheet Answers


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Stephen Lunt is Word Checker's founder and primary content writer. He loves to share his experiences and knowledge of word games through writing and creating handy online tools for players to use.

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