Scrabble Word Finder

Search the Scrabble dictionary for words that start with, contain, or end in specific letter combinations using our word finder and cheat.

What is Word Finder?

Our online Scrabble Word Finder & Cheat tool allows you to search the Scrabble dictionary for words. It is specifically effective at matching words that begin with, contain, or end in search terms you enter. In addition, you can utilise it for filtering search results by word length.

How to use our word finder

To get started, you'll need to fill in one or more of the word finder search boxes above.

Here is what each one means:

  • Starts with: will search for words starting with the letters you entered.
  • Contains: will find any words containing the letters entered here.
  • Ends in: will search for words ending in the letters you enter.
  • Length: will filter the results to word of a set number of characters.

You don't need to fill in all of them. It's up to you if you want to use just one, two, or all fields will do.

Helpful tips for the word finder

  • The best way to use this tool is by entering letters from your tile rack or existing words played in your game.
  • You can search for individual letters all the way up to complete words, or just prefixes or suffixes. It's entirely up to you!
  • To get more fine-grained results, fill in more letters for us to match against.
  • Results are ordered by word length from the shortest to longest, and by the Scrabble words score. This is because the shorter words are, the closer they match your query.
  • We show a maximum of 1000 results per search, please refine your search to be more specific if you exceed the limit.

Our word finder is a powerful tool for looking up words to play in Scrabble. Therefore, we recommend you only use the search tool in games when agreed with your opponent(s) beforehand.

Looking to simply check a words validity in Scrabble? Our Scrabble Word Checker is the perfect match for you.

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